Sunday, February 22, 2009

Throwing down the gauntlet

My goodness, folks, I know that someone reads this blog. After all, when I see various friends or family members, they comment on stuff that I write. And yet, when I threaten to withhold pictures, I get no response. So, like George Bush I, I'm now drawing a line in the sand - if I can't get at least three people (c'mon mom, for pete's sake) to request more pictures, all you'll get is my insightful ruminations from now on. But no kid pics. So there.


Mommy said...

Ok, how about 1 picture per kid per post? The slideshows look like a lot of work, so it would be a good compromise.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes! The Cheshire contingent wants pictures to continue. I sometimes even order copies. We like the videos, too. Keep them coming. I know I speak for the silent majority (Was that Nixon's phrase?),at least our neighbors and my sister. I'm waiting for a view of the chipped tooth.

Insightful ruminations are good, too. The potty training thoughts are a clever ploy to elicit comments. Every parent is an expert on that issue.

Anonymous said...

Cousin Elizabeth says, "Pictures please!" She appreciates them more than all those words.

Anonymous said...

Pictures! Videos! Comments! Insights! We love them all, so keep them coming and know we appreciate all the work and effort you put into them. You really help us feel in touch and aware of all the things that are happening with you and the kids.

I agree, potty training comments had me thinking about all kinds of responses. Mainly, most kids are trained by 16 so don't give up.
Glen Ellyn Grandparents

Anonymous said...

pictures! yes! but pictures of potty training aren't necessary. you can keep those to yourself.