Friday, February 13, 2009

Our moment of fame redux

Now, I know that I haven't been posting many photos of the kids lately. Which undoubtedly has my dedicated (but curiously silent) followers up in arms.

Luckily, when you have kids who are as photogenic as ours, you don't need to post public photos - the media takes care of that for you. As my dedicated readers must certainly recall, a photo of Margaret and me (along with a lot of other unimportant people) was featured in a Washington Post article about dog parks. More recently, we went to a benefit concert, featuring Mr. Don (of First Night Alexandria fame), for the G'town Public Library which burned in a massive conflagration back in 2007. A photographer from the Georgetown Current, our local free newspaper, was snapping shots of the kids as they danced to the songs. We noticed that he appeared to be taking an inordinate number of shots of Margaret and Reid, our next door neighbor, so we figured that there was a non-trivial chance that they would appear in the next issue.

Sure enough, here it is (be patient as it's a big file), although we mysteriously didn't get our weekly issue (I suspect foul play involving some jealous G'town mom whose kid wasn't quite up to snuff for the front page of the Current.) I discovered Margaret's presence on the front page while pilfering a copy of the Current from a nearby porch (btw, it's a free paper, so I wasn't really stealing anything) to get the rain bag to use for cleaning up after Maddie. After having been alerted to the existence of "the pic," I went into our favorite neighborhood bodega, the Griffin Market (whose owners endeared themselves to the Philly relatives by giving Alex a free containter of squid, octopus and other nasty fishy stuff), and told them about how I was wandering the neighborhood looking to steal copies of the Current (btw, the Current comes out on Wednesday, and I was doing this on Friday, so anyone with the paper still sitting on their porch wasn't planning to read it anyway.) While I had grabbed a few copies from nearby porches, Riccardo, the shopkeeper at the Griffin Market, pointed me to a big stack in their store. Consequently, I ended up lugging a completely ridiculous number of copies - about 30 - home, so if anyone wants a physical print of the famous pic, let me know.

Again, the link to the relevant issue of the Current is here. As Abby pointed out, Margaret has now been pictured in two newspapers in two years. A tough track record to maintain. And the girl is throwing down a tough gauntlet for the boy to compete with.

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