Tuesday, March 6, 2007

One small step for a kid, one giant leap for our family

Margaret literally made a big step today at daycare. She's been pulling herself up for probably 3 months or so and has been standing on her own for about a month and a half. But she hasn't really taken that first big step on her own other than a quick lurch from one handhold to another. She's not a terribly cautious baby, so it's a bit surprising that it's taken so long to walk. Everytime I think she's about to do it, she stands there, wobbles a bit, and then plops down to crawl wherever she's headed.

But today, she took two steps on her own at daycare. Ms. Jakki told me that they expected her to do her standard plop down move when she instead wobbled forward with a couple of steps. We'll see how long it takes for a repeat performance and whether she'll do her new trick for Mama and Papa, but she's getting there.

And as befits our stellar offspring, she's naturally walking earlier than all of her compatriots in daycare.

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