Monday, May 5, 2008

Margaret's crazy ups

Margaret has been working on her "jumping" for about 4 months. To this point, that involves her throwing her arms in the air while launching one of her feet off the ground while the other stays firmly grounded. This has been a major embarassment compared to Reid, our next door two-and-a-half-year-old. Reid can run and jump much better than Margaret. And her artistic skills with the sidewalk chalk put Margaret to shame.

But today, Margaret managed to get both feet off the ground at the same time. She coiled her body and, bam, got both feet a half inch or so off the ground. A great achievement. (Of course, she later face planted while walking down the sidewalk and bloodied her lip - "purple towel!" - so her coordination still isn't that good.)

As for the boy, we're still trying to work out sleep issues. He's a real grinner at this point, but I don't really care at 3:00 AM.

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