Sunday, June 14, 2009

Overdue post

So after a spurt of blog posts, I haven't written much lately. I'm sure that my dedicated readers want an update. Or at least some kid pictures.

Below are pics that reflect the following events:

  • We have turned Margaret's bed into a "big girl" bed by removing the side of her crib (it's designed to work this way). Although she occasionally gets out of bed in the morning, she doesn't do so at night. Despite a newly developed pattern of sleep problems. Immediately after being put in bed, she complains, "I can't sleep." We reason with her, cajole her, and try tricks. The only trick that consistently works is one that we've stolen from Grandma Mary - "Even if you're tired, just close your eyes and rest your body, because your body is tired." But usually I have to lie to her ("I'll be back to check on you soon") and she finally falls asleep
  • We went to the Memorial Day parade here in DC and had fun waving flags. Teddy especially likes the drum sections in the marching bands.
  • We took a trip to Philly where we had fun with the cousins while their parents took off to NYC for the weekend. Among the highlights of the trip was the opportunity to watch Andrew play baseball. Teddy likes baseball. And basketball and tennis.
  • Teddy has started working on stairs and is becoming quite vocal. As various people have noted, he doesn't engage in conversation, unlike his sister, but he is quite opinionated.
  • We went to a Nationals baseball game for the first time this season with Katie, one of Margaret's friends from school. No one paid much attention to the game, but everyone enjoyed the spectacle.
  • Margaret took part in a "Power Tots" performance at school.
  • We went to a futbol/soccer game for the first time this year. Again, Teddy really liked the drums that they beat. Boom - boom - boom boom boom - DC United. Margaret started to chant along at times, when she wasn't busy stuffing her face with popcorn. Again, no one paid much attention to the game, but we all had a reasonably good time (qualified because the kids got pretty tired by the end).
  • We went to the zoo today and flew a flag out in front of our house for Flag Day.
Such excitement. It's hard to convey how exciting each of the above events really were. Perhaps the pictures will help:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics, Mark. What beautiful kids...and you and Abby look great too. Thanks for sharing them.