Sunday, February 24, 2008

A momentous day

As my lack of recent posts suggests, things have been pretty mellow over the last week. Margaret's vocabulary has been expanding by the day, and Teddy continues to work on the things that infants work on - rolling over, grinning, putting things in his mouth, etc.

But today, we had a whopper of a development. It happened when I took Margaret up for a bath. She and Abby had been watching the Oscars' red carpet show on E! and, after eating a messy dinner, we decided that she needed a bath. Rather than pull Abby away from her show, I whisked Margaret up for a bath. As we got prepped for the bath, Margaret asked to sit on the potty. We've got a little potty on which Margaret will sit on occasion, but her interest is sporadic and her sitting on it doesn't seem to lead to much. Sitting on the potty is just a way to pass the time, it would appear. And her request to sit on the potty tonight wasn't different from her previous, unproductive requests.

When I picked her up to plop her in the tub, I noticed some liquid in the potty. "Where did that come from," I thought. And then "Whoo-hooo, Margaret used the potty!" At least, I have to think that she did since I can't imagine what else happened. I called Abby and we spent five minutes or so praising Margaret in the tub for being such a big girl. Margaret just grinned. I suspect that she has only a vague idea of what she did, but this is one of those breakthrough moments when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel - no more diapers!

Now I naturally didn't take any pictures of the soiled potty, so I apologize to the photo fans out there. And some of you may wonder whether it's worth reading about Maggie's bathroom habits. But this is a big deal. At least in my book it is.

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