Sunday, January 27, 2008

A sunny, cold Sunday in DC

A fair amount to report, but not much energy or enthusiasm to do so. We went to the Natural History Museum today which Margaret loved, running around and pointing at everything. My response to the fossils was: "How does someone spot these things in the dirt? Or identify that the blip in the mud is the remains of a carbon-based life form?" Then Teddy woke up and got fussy, and Margaret got tired and fussy, so we had to cut our visit short. Then again, we were at the museum for an hour, so in light of the prevalence of fussiness in our life at this point (just ask Maddie), perhaps that's not so short in the big scheme of things.

I'll post more about Teddy at daycare (he did fine) and my time at home with Teddy (we're doing ok, but he has some issues) when I'm not as tired. Instead, I'll just offer some photos to placate readers who really follow this blog for the photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teddy is certainly a handsome young man. And we like the sunglasses look for Margaret. An hour at the museum sounds just right...I get tired after about that long. Great to see the pictures. Love you all so much, Grandma Mary