Friday, July 27, 2007

Random developments

I haven't posted in a while, but that's because I don't have any real "deep" insights into life with a kid. But I'll post some random observations about the kid (and the dog):

  • Margaret's vocabulary is developing steadily, but she still has a way to go. "Nana" is a favorite word, but she often uses it for any food of interest. Still, I think that she is starting to actually know "banana" since she yelled "nana" a number of times yesterday when we passed the bananas in Trader Joe's. No one except for me appreciated her insight. "Bye, bye" also gets a lot of mileage especially if it's accompanied by a hand wave.
  • Margaret likes to hold Maddie's leash during walks. Sometimes that works ok, but two related problems arise. First, Margaret is too slow. She gets distracted by. . . well, by just about everything. Then the second problem: Maddie pulls too hard for Margaret leading the kid to occasionally topple over.
  • Next, Maggie is starting to show a sense of humor. A few days ago, we were in the kitchen making dinner when she looked at me and yelled "Ahhh!" Guffaws and giggles followed. I then yelled "Ahhh!" More guffaws and giggles. We then started trading Ahhh's back and forth, giggling each time. In the rare occasion when we yelled at the same time, gales of laughter.
  • Our couch sits about three feet from our exterior wall. Maggie likes to run around the couch with me chasing her. Chasing isn't quite an accurate characterization since it's not clear that she's trying to get away. But she does love when I duck down behind the couch and pop up when she "finds" me. Completely hilarious, it would seem.
  • Sleeping problems have arisen again. Up at 2:00 AM or so the last few nights. My friends at work have told me that we have to be careful about indulging her summons since this is the time when she really starts to learn how to manipulate us at night. So we may have to start closing the door and ignoring any nighttime complaints.
  • Her initial reaction to all foods (except for nanas, raisins and bread) still involves skepticism. She stares at the food for a moment and then glances around as if to say "Where's the good stuff?" Followed by some pawing at the food. But unlike in the past, lately she's actually tried a few things that she really should like. Such a pasta. Hurray! Eating pasta is important since we eat a lot of it. But the kid has rejected it every time without even a taste until the last week. And then beans and rice, neither of which have been even tasted in the past. She wolfed down so many beans tonight that we thought she might burst. She still might (lovely thoughts of diapers tomorrow when she won't be at daycare), but at least she's eating stuff that I cook.
  • A few times, we've passed a car that had music thumping. Last weekend, someone drove by playing a loud rap song. And on the way home today, we passed a car playing loud reggae music. In both cases, Maggie started to bob up and down.
So that's an update about random events that mainly will help me remember this time when I use this blog as an archive of the kid's early years. And those hardcore baby fans should appreciate it (or at least the pic at the beginning) as well.

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