Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Teddy's latest (mundane) trick

In preparation for our Thanksgiving trip to Ohio later this week, we figured that we'd see if Teddy would eat from a bottle. The possible need to use a bottle in the car to calm him down, or if we happen to go "out" leaving him with the grandparents, might make eating from a bottle a useful skill.

Needless to say, he took to it like a champ. He was a bit sloppy with lots of dribbling. And it seemed that, if anything, he was getting too much food. But he wasn't like some other kids that we've heard about who refuse to take a bottle. In those cases, we've even heard about the dad sending the mom out for the day to remove her from the picture. Teddy, as befits his generally easygoing nature, had no major problems.

In celebration, Teddy produced three poopy diapers shortly after his first bottle feeding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two cute guys! Can't wait to see the Thanksgiving pictures. What a fantastic time! Love to all of you, Grandma Mary